Rekord solutions

Protect the value of your work

Rekord is much more than a net wrap by Novatex: it is the most complete range of products designed for crop protection.

Rekord Net Wrap

The global solution

A very popular brand by Novatex, Rekord® is essential and particularly robust, a great classic among round baler net wraps. Strong, covering, and now with blue/raspberry-coloured edges, Rekord has demonstrated excellent performance for all types of crops.

Rekord Twines

EnergX Tech & LSB Tech

Novatex introduces the concept of “yield” of the twine. It does so by combining two identifying elements, the only values that the operator really needs to plan his baling work: the length of the roll, the strength of the twine.

Rekord with EnergX Tech and Rekod LSB twines can support professionals with the most efficient range of products.

Rekord Film

22 and 25 µ - 5 and 7 layers

With excellent adhesive strength and high resistance to perforation, Rekord Stretch Films guarantee perfect preservation of ensiled forage, promoting correct fermentation and preservation of the nutritional properties of the forage.

Rekord Cover

Coverage power

Most farmers know that one of the greatest concerns in this practice is to secure bales from rain and snow, as well as from UV rays in order to prevent losses. Thanks to Rekord Cover, farmers have finally found an ally in protecting their harvest from damages due to weather conditions.